Rainbow Generations Challenge

The Rainbow Generations Challenge is based on the layout of the Very Berry and Not So Berry challenges but with a twist! This post includes graphics you can save and text in case you are not able to read the graphics. I would love if you tagged any posts you make about the challenge with #RainbowGenerations so I can see what you come up with! I will be posting sims and lots for the generations as I create them on my gallery page, my ID is Scamperton. I hope you have fun and happy simming!

Rainbow Generations Challenge
12 Generations of fun!
by Scamperton Sims

1. Theme the sim and their home after their generation's color
2. Move out as a young adult unless otherwise specified
3. Complete goals before aging up and moving out next generation (Play with aging off)
4. Money cheats may be used to build each sim's first home unless otherwise specified
5. You may choose to keep your completed generations around, or they may die the death assigned to them on the Death Page
NOTE ON TRAITS: Traits are listed in the order that your sim receives them as they age. This is not relevant with generation red.
If you choose, you can have your sim's home world be based on their generation. 
Red: Tartosa
Orange: Mt. Komorebi
Yellow: Oasis Springs
Green: Willow Creek
Blue: Henford on Bagley
Purple: Del Sol Valley
Pink: Copperdale
Brown: Brindleton Bay
Black: Britechester
Gray: Evergreen Harbor
White: Windenburg
Rainbow: Sulani

If you choose, you can have the world your sim lives in be based on their generation as well. 

Red, Generation #1


  1. Move into a small fixer-upper 

  2. Do not move or renovate except to add basic furniture for the child sim

  3. Set money to $500

  4. Meet sim during bender on New Year’s Eve and have one night stand

  5. Have one baby from this encounter

  6. Do not marry or have other children

Traits: Hot Headed, Childish, Lazy

Aspiration: Party Animal

Job: Entertainer (comedian)

Skill: baking, knitting, mischief, comedy

Collect: My Sims Trophies, Simmis

Achievement: Channel Surfer (Listen to all radio stations and watch all TV channels)

Red Generation Backstory: After getting kicked out by your parents for “not having a job” and “not helping around the house” and “needing to grow up and handle your temper” you find yourself in a crappy rental with barely enough to pay the bills. You decide to utilize the skills you honed during your studies at school, and become a Comedian. Everyone always said you were the class-clown; it was all over your report cards! You use some of your free time and income to collect My Sims Trophies and Simmis since your parents were always saying they were a waste of money. But mostly, you just relax on the couch and watch TV and listen to the radio when you’re not at work. You don’t care that your place is small and needs lots of repairs, you don’t even look at it most of the time! You’re busy with the TV. One night, after a bender to celebrate the New Year, you find yourself in an awkward situation. You had a one-night stand and there is a baby on the way. You didn’t even like the other sim that much, so you decide you’ll just raise the kid on your own. How hard can it be?

Orange, Generation #2


  1. Play outside a lot as a child 

  2. Participate in sports as a child and teen

  3. Earn at least 2 athletics trophies

  4. Meet sim while mountain climbing and Woo-Hoo in the mountain cave

  5. Have one child from this encounter

  6. Do not have more children, marry if you choose to

Traits: Adventurous, Cheerful, Foodie

Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast

Job: Athlete (professional athlete)

Skill: fitness, guitar/violin, comedy

Collect: insects

Achievement: Critter Catcher (Catch all insects and new fish in Granite Falls)

Orange Generation Backstory: Growing up, your parent wasn’t exactly the most put together person. They were kind of childish and had a temper, and never seemed to want to do anything. You spent a lot of time at home unattended, outside playing and imagining the amazing adventures you’d go on one day. At school you can be found playing team sports, there was always someone to hang out with when you’re on a team. You dream of being an Extreme Sports Enthusiast and a Professional Athlete, and spend most of your time skiing, snowboarding, mountain climbing, and working out. Since you are always on the move, you treat yourself to anything you’d like to eat, and have become a bit of a Foodie. You have a Cheerful outlook on life despite everything, because you’ve created a life for yourself that you are happy with. You spend your free time going camping, making elaborate bouquets, and collecting insects, which reminds you of your childhood spent outside. One day while on a team climb up the mountain, you spend an exhilarating night in the cave with one of your fellow climbers, and have a child as a result of this night. This wasn’t exactly what you had planned for yourself, but you aren’t about to let a kid slow down your adrenaline-fueled lifestyle after you worked so hard to obtain it.

Yellow, Generation #3


  1. Go on adventurous vacations with your parent(s) as a child and teen

  2. Participate in Drama club

  3. Loot Selvadoradan gold on your vacations, selling the duplicates

  4. Become a lawyer and fall in love with another attorney

  5. Get married at courthouse while one sim is still pregnant

  6. Have one more child (2 total)

Traits: Clumsy, Socially Awkward, Ambitious

Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy

Job: Law (Private attorney)

Skill: Logic, writing, acting, mischief  

Collect: Selvadoradan Gold

Achievement: Rosebud (Gain 1,000,000 Simoleons in a single household)

Note: There is a courthouse lot on my gallery page you can "Elope immediately" at. Alternatively, you can build or download your own courthouse to elope at.

Yellow Generation Backstory: You spent your childhood being dragged along on every adventure your parent could take you on, and being babysat during the ones they couldn’t. Since you’re naturally very Clumsy despite your parent’s best efforts, that means any mountain climbing trips see you waiting at home. Your life of adventure has left you a little Socially Awkward as you never stayed in one place long enough to make good friends. Your parent’s solution to this was to put you in Drama club, but all this did was teach you some Acting, which you use to hide your awkwardness as best you can. Seeing your parent go on every adventure they’d dreamed of left you with lots of Ambition to be the best Sim you can be, even if you aren’t able to climb the world’s tallest mountains like your parent. You decide that you’ll climb a much safer mountain, and aspire to be Fabulously Wealthy. You start by taking a few things here and there on your frequent trips to Selvadorada, eventually having a whole collection of gold items from the temples you explored with your parent. You use the Simoleons you got from selling dupes to put yourself through college to become a lawyer, knowing that once you’re a Private Attorney, the big bucks will start rolling in. While arguing a case, you fall hard for the opposing attorney, and after a little while, and an unplanned pregnancy, the two of you elope at the courthouse where you met right before the birth of your child. You aren’t worried about an unplanned little Sim though, since you know you have more than enough Simoleons to provide for them. In fact, you might even have another one.

Green, Generation #4


  1. As a child and teen, try to convince your family to be vegetarian and recycle

  2. Move out as a teen, buy a lot, set to “off the grid” 

  3. Set money to $2500 and build eco starter campground, upgrading as you’re able

  4. Build a garden and collect one of every plant and frog

  5. Work towards a green eco footprint in your neighborhood

  6. Meet a sim in Sulani, they move in with you, have one child

Traits: Vegetarian, Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple

Aspiration: Eco Innovator

Job: Conservationist (Environmental Manager)

Skill: Fishing, gardening, fabrication, wellness, fitness

Collect: plants, frogs

Achievement: Harvested Interest (harvest from 50 wild plants)

Green Generation Backstory: You saw your parents go to work every day to argue against the things you believed in. Sure, they made huge amounts of Simoleons every year, but you couldn’t help but be worried about the environmental impact of the corporations your parents were defending in court. It never seemed to bother your little sibling, who seemed content to just live the high life with your parents, not a care in the world. You on the other hand, staged your first protest as a Child, becoming a Vegetarian, something you have stuck with your whole life. You decided that if your parents were going to make Simoleons at any cost, and not give a damn about the environment, that you would be the opposite. You move out as a teen and strike it out on your own, intent to show your parents that you want nothing to do with their wealth. You live a very green life on a plot of land you bought with your Winterfest money and strive to make it as eco friendly a home as you can. This means you don’t attach to the power grid and collect all of your own resources. You grow the largest garden in the neighborhood and make it your life’s mission to grow one of every plant you can, to save them from what you see as an upcoming environmental apocalypse. For the same reason, you collect frogs, because you know that amphibians are indicator species of mass extinction and environmental collapse. You become a Conservationist and eventually an Environmental Manager, working day and night to fix the familial legacy that plagues you. While doing conservation work in Sulani, you meet a sweet sim who shares a lot of the same values as you, and they move in with you to your eco paradise. You have one child together, because you both are concerned about overpopulation. You spend what little free time you have doing yoga and meditating to help with the anxiety you have about the fate of the world. It’s a heavy burden to bear, the fate of the world. But you use the weight machine enough to think you can handle it.

Blue, Generation #5


  1. Complete artistic prodigy aspiration as a child

  2. Start finding pen pals as a teen

  3. Meet a sim and start dating them while on a vacation

  4. Have a big wedding and a honeymoon

  5. Try for baby on your honeymoon 

  6. Have 2 more kids

Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Family Oriented

Aspiration: Big Happy Family

Job: Painter (Master of the Real)

Skill: painting, dancing, video gaming, parenting, cooking

Collect: Post cards

Achievement: Flying Colors (Max painting career)

Blue Generation Backstory: After growing up with an environment obsessed parent, you’ve got a couple issues you’re working through. You grew up playing second fiddle to saving the world, and as a result are a bit of a Gloomy Sim, and are always searching after making something perfect enough to be more important than the fate of the world. You also swore you would never raise a family the way you were raised, after growing up all alone and wishing for siblings, you value family above all else and your only goal is to have a Big Happy Family. You believe in found family, so you spend a lot of your free time talking to your pen pals and exchanging postcards. One day, you go to one of the places you’ve sent postcards to on a vacation, and meet the love of your life. You have 3 children together, and work hard to raise them the perfect way, with them as your top priority. You even get a job as a painter because you figure that will give you the most time at home with your kids.

Purple, Generation #6


  1. As a child, unknowingly befriend a child alien 

  2. At one point, preferably as a teen, discover that your childhood BFF is an alien

  3. Go to university and become a scientist

  4. Travel to Sixam at least 3 times

  5. Attend Alien Night at the bar and have a one-night stand, resulting in one child

  6. Do not have more children or marry

Traits: Genius, Dance Machine, Paranoid

Aspiration: Nerd Brain

Job: Scientist

Skill: Writing, herbalism, video gaming

Collect: aliens, elements, space prints, space rocks, microscope prints, geodes

Achievement: Aliens Among Us (Discover 10 Aliens in Disguise)

Purple Generation Backstory: You grew up in the perfect home. You wanted for nothing, your parent was always there for you when you needed support, and spent most of their time helping you with homework, making home cooked meals, and taking you to your extra-curricular activities. As a result, you were a child prodigy and have always been a Genius. You enjoyed dance parties with your parents and younger siblings whenever the stress of school got to be too much, and became a bit of a Dance Machine. After finding out your childhood best friend was an alien all along, you develop a paranoia surrounding aliens. You are convinced that  they are all around you, and can’t shake the feeling that they are out to get you. You become a scientist to learn everything you can about the aliens, and spend your time amassing large collections of space and science related items. You bury yourself in your collections, and bury them in your basement, where you like to spend a lot of your time. One day you go to the bar on Alien Night to try to scope out your enemy, and meet a nice sim, who you have a one-night stand with. You end up with one child from this interaction.

Pink, Generation 7


  1. Own a dollhouse as a child

  2. Spend time thrifting as a teen

  3. Create a fashion Simstagram and run a Trendi store

  4. Reach soulmate status with another sim and get married

  5. WooHoo in a rocket ship, resulting in a child

  6. Have one additional child

Traits: Over Achiever, Unflirty, Self Absorbed

Aspiration: Soulmate

Job: Style Influencer (stylist)

Skill: Charisma, Flower Arranging, Fitness

Collect: thrifted clothes

Achievement: 50 Mile High Club (WooHoo in a rocket ship)

Pink Generation Backstory: Your parent was a little odd while you were growing up. They spent their time either down in the basement or up among the stars, but not a lot of time on ground where you were living. You tried to connect with them over their collections, and developed an interest in collecting things yourself. However, while they obsessed over anything to do with aliens, you were more interested in the latest trends. You spent your time going to thrift stores and picking out the cutest and most exclusive outfits you can find and sharing them on Simstagram. Your account eventually earns you the title of Style Influencer which you leverage to become a Stylist, your dream job. However even with your dream job, you feel yourself wanting something more. You never had much of a family growing up, it was just you and your mom living there, which has set your heart on a fuller home. You long for a soulmate, and one day you find them.  You are so excited you take them home and WooHoo with them on the rocket ship in your parent’s backyard, swearing them to secrecy. This romantic tryst however has left the two of you with a child. You decide to embrace the idea of starting a family together and even have a second child. You know that your kids will not only have a loving home, but will be the most stylish sims in their class!

Brown, Generation #8


  1. Become good friends with your childhood pet

  2. Start a Simstagram account for your pets

  3. Become a Simstagram Influencer 

  4. Buy a vet clinic and operate it

  5. Meet a sim who brings a pet in and marry them 

  6. Have twins

Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Loyal, Glutton

Aspiration: Friend of the Animals

Job: Own a vet clinic

Skill: Pet training, Guitar, Painting

Collect: Bird Feathers

Achievement: Simstagram Influencer (Gain 250 Simstagram Followers)

Brown Generation Backstory: You grew up in a loving home with a younger sibling, 2 pets, and all of it uploaded to Simstagram. Your parent was obsessed with their Simstagram account since it was how they got their dream job. You figure if it worked for them, it’ll probably work for you, right? And your dream has always been to work with animals. You start by making a Simstagram account for your pets, and from there you decide you would love to own and operate your own vet clinic. Your parents believe in you, and since one of them is a famous Stylist, they can afford to help you with the down payment for your very own vet clinic! You promote your business by posting cute pictures of the patients on your Simstagram, and your business grows every day. One day you meet a cute Sim with a sick cat, and it’s love at first sight. You start dating and eventually move in together, and your pets get along great! You get married and decide to have a baby, and end up with twins! It’s a full house now, but you know you’ll still have time for your hobbies, your favorite of which is animal training.

Black, Generation 9


  1. Read 20 books before aging up to teen

  2. Get in trouble for stealing as a teen

  3. Go to university and meet a sim there

  4. Settle down with your college sweetheart

  5. Cheat on them with another sim, resulting in a child

  6. Do not have another child, marry if you choose

Traits: Geek, Kleptomaniac, Noncommittal

Aspiration: Academic

Job: Education (professor)

Skill: Charisma, cooking, piano

Collect: fossils

Achievement: Ivory Tower (max the Piano skill)

Black Generation Backstory: You grew up in a very chaotic environment, with pets coming in and out as they were helped back to health. Your twin seems to take after your parent, and will probably own the vet clinic one day, but you know that’s not what life has in store for you. Your dream has always been to be a real academic, to learn for the sake of learning, and for the sake of correcting people on the forums for your favorite shows. You have been known to be a bit of a Geek. You spend your free time cooking your favorite foods and playing the piano, which you find relaxing. But you do have a bit of a dark side. You’re a bit of a player, and you’ve also got sticky fingers. You hit it off over time with a colleague at work, and start dating, but you start to get nervous, you’re not one for commitment. One night while at the bar, you meet another sim, and on an impulse, you cheat on your partner. You get caught in the act, and they both leave you, leaving you with a child to raise as well. Despite your commitment issues and your Kleptomania getting you in trouble before in the past, you’re hoping that now that you are a single parent, those days are behind you. The days of getting caught, anyway.

Gray, Generation #10


  1. Hang out on university campus as a child/teen

  2. Befriend the robotics team members

  3. Go to university for engineering, join robotics team

  4. Start freegan DIY club

  5. Marry a club member, having one child

  6. Build a Servo to be a nanny for your child

Traits: Slob, Freegan, Insider

Aspiration: Leader of the Pack

Job: Engineer (mechanical engineer)

Skill: Fabrication, Handiness, Robotics, Photography

Collect: metals

Achievement: Beyond Repairs (max the Handiness skill)

Gray Generation Backstory: You spent a lot of your time growing up on a university campus, long before you could understand the things being taught there. That’s just what happens when your single parent is a professor. Since you couldn’t understand the class material, you learned other things instead, from watching the students. You learned that you can get lots of things for free if you just lower your standards a little. That making friends can really help you out of a bind. That there are more important things in life than tidying up all the time. You started hanging out with the robotics club since they always ordered a pizza, and eventually you realized you were interested in more than the stuffed crust. You end up going to college for mechanical engineering and get a job in it right out of school. Despite feeling a bit like a sell out for going to work when you know the best things in life are free, you really do love engineering. Besides, you still have lots of free time which you use to dumpster dive, hang out with your friends, and maybe even make one. You run a successful DIY club in town, and one of the participants looks like they could build you a beautiful life out of old pallets and thrifted furniture. It’s love at first sight and the two of you settle down in your humble home and have a child. You have the great idea to build a Servo Robot to be a nanny to your child, because they deserve the very cutting edge of childcare technology. It doesn’t hurt that the Servo also frees up more of your time for your hobbies, either.

White, Generation #11


  1. Play violin as a child

  2. Be best friends with your Servo

  3. Learn digital art as a teen

  4. Meditate regularly 

  5. Meet a sim while at the spa and get married

  6. Have one child

Traits: Family Oriented, Music Lover, Neat

Aspiration: Zen Guru

Job: Freelancer (Digital Artist)

Skill: Gourmet cooking, logic, mixology, writing

Collect: crystals

Achievement: Polar Bear Club (Have a sim go for a swim when the weather is freezing)

White Generation Backstory: You grew up with the understanding that the best things in life are free, often because that was where your gifts came from. One day your parent gifted you a child size violin that they found somewhere (likely a dumpster) and while you were skeptical at first, you quickly fall in love with music. You wish you had a bigger audience than your Servo nanny, but at least it has perfect pitch and is a great music tutor. The Servo even teaches you digital art, and tells you that you can make a nice living off of it, without having to wash trash off of you when you got home. You enjoy the time you spend with the Servo, and the two of you have even become great friends, but you still miss your parents, who spend a lot of time hanging out by dumpsters and eating fries with seagulls. You spend more and more time meditating to deal with your feelings, and decide that you have to share the peace you feel while meditating with everyone. You start collecting crystals to use as a focus while you meditate, digging them up everywhere you go. You meditate so much you even try testing your ability to breathe through things by taking the polar plunge and joining the Polar Bear Club. After proving your abilities to yourself, you decide to become a Zen Guru. One day while leading a guided meditation, you meet the sim of your dreams. The two of you start dating and eventually they move in. The Servo stays with you since it’s your nanny after all, but now that you’re grown up, you tell it to start looking after your child. You won’t leave the childcare to the Servo, but you know your kid will love it just the way you did.

Rainbow, Generation #12


  1. Make messes as a child

  2. Complete Live Fast aspiration as a teen

  3. Win Prom Jester

  4. Become famous through interior decorating and social media

  5. Throw 10 gold rated events

  6. Win a video game tournament

Traits: Creative, Party Animal, Goofball

Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity

Job: Interior Decorator

Skill: Mischief, painting, video gaming

Collect: fish

Achievement: I’m the Mix Master (mix 100 drinks)

Rainbow Generation Backstory: You grew up in pretty much the best way you could imagine. You had a robot for a best friend after all! But you always longed for more color. Your parent was always saying that white helped them to focus, and to be calm, but to you it was boring. You don’t just want one color, you want ALL of them. That’s kind of who you are. You’ve always had a tendency towards the creative, though sometimes that was just making messes on perfectly white floors. You love to cause trouble, you can’t help it, it's so STILL and so QUIET around here all the time. You need to make noise, to have fun, to throw parties, to tell jokes! When you’re finally old enough, you decide to share your love for color with the world and aspire to become a world-famous interior decorator, bringing rainbows to the world one room at a time. You even go so far as to catch and collect rare fish so that you can use them to bring a pop of color to a room. But just because you’re dedicated doesn’t mean you don’t love to kick your shoes off, let your hair down, and throw a wild party. You make a mean mixed drink and everyone talks about your parties for days after.

Death Page
Gen 1 (red): Cardiac Explosion
Gen 2 (orange): Fire
Gen 3 (yellow) Mortification
Gen 4 (green) Eaten by Cowplant
Gen 5 (blue) Drowning
Gen 6 (purple) Meteor Strike
Gen 7 (pink) Overexertion
Gen 8 (brown) Killer Chicken or Killer Rabbit
Gen 9 (black) Pufferfish Poisoning
Gen 10 (gray) Flies
Gen 11 (white) Sauna
Gen 12 (rainbow) Laughter
